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American Legion Auxiliary logo
9am-3pm Monday thru Thursday
Primary Address:
1314-B SW Topeka Blvd Manhattan KS 66503
Our Mission is: To support The American Legion programs for veterans, young people and communities To provide for today's needs while being advocates for a brighter future To advance the understanding of patriotism and responsibility of citizenship To promote individual integrity and family values To ensure as volunteers, that Auxiliary members continue to be the leaders in all that is good in this nation today, tomorrow and for generations to come through serving others first and not self.
Hours: 9am-3pm Monday thru Thursday
Primary Address: 1314-B SW Topeka Blvd Manhattan KS 66503
Telephone: 785-232-1396
Meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00 pm at 2151 W 32nd Ave (Ashland Community Church), Manhattan, KS
Primary Address:
PO Box 721 Manhattan KS 66505
(785) 313-5196
The Disabled American Veterans is made up exclusively of men and women disabled in our nation’s defense. The DAV is dedicated to one, single purpose: building better lives for all of our nation’s disabled veterans and their families. The DAV has a van to take Veterans to the VA Hospital in Topeka Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday. There is a shuttle that runs from Salina to Manhattan to Topeka and Leavenworth.If you need a ride to the KC VA hospital, please make sure to give a notice of at least 24 hours.To schedule a ride, call 785-640-0119.
Hours: Meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00 pm at 2151 W 32nd Ave (Ashland Community Church), Manhattan, KS
Primary Address: PO Box 721 Manhattan KS 66505
Telephone: (785) 313-5196
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Monday -- Friday 8:00 am -- 4:30 pm
Primary Address:
1133 College Ave. Building C, Suite 200 Manhattan KS 66502
785-350-4920 Or 877-927-8387 (24 hour line)
We are the people in the V.A. who welcome home war Veterans with honor by providing quality readjustment counseling in a caring manner. Vet Centers understand and appreciate Veteran’s war experiences while assisting them and their family members towards a successful post-war adjustment in or near their community.
Hours: Monday -- Friday 8:00 am -- 4:30 pm
Primary Address: 1133 College Ave. Building C, Suite 200 Manhattan KS 66502
Telephone: 785-350-4920 Or 877-927-8387 (24 hour line)
American Red Cross MVCN
Always open
Primary Address:
430 17th St. NW Washington D.C. 20006
The Military and Veteran Caregiver Network (MVCN) offers peer-based support and services to connect those providing care to service members and veterans living with wounds, illnesses, injuries and/or aging
Hours: Always open
Primary Address: 430 17th St. NW Washington D.C. 20006
NAMI Kansas
Connection Recovery Support Group,1st Thursday of every month at 2 pm at 467 E. PoyntzMonthly Share & Care Meeting, 1st Thursday at 7 pm, Online only. For zoom link contact:
Primary Address:
Manhattan KS 66505
785-477-5828 or 785-789-3167
NAMI of Kansas is an organization of families, friends and individuals whose lives have been affected by mental illness. Together, we advocate for better lives for those individuals who have a mental illness.
Hours: Connection Recovery Support Group,1st Thursday of every month at 2 pm at 467 E. PoyntzMonthly Share & Care Meeting, 1st Thursday at 7 pm, Online only. For zoom link contact:
Primary Address: Manhattan KS 66505
Telephone: 785-477-5828 or 785-789-3167
American Legion
Primary Address:
114 McCall Road Manhattan KS 66502
The American Legion supports many youth activities and provides help for veterans and their families. There is also a full-service restaurant and lounge for members and their guests. Banquet rooms are available for rent.
Primary Address: 114 McCall Road Manhattan KS 66502
Telephone: 785-776-4556
Primary Address:
9680 N. 52nd St. Riley KS 66531
The SAVE farm training program offers opportunities for healing. Transitions and wellness are an integral part of the mission. Behavioral health therapy, horticultural therapy and other holistic healing modalities are integrated into the training program along with vocational rehabilitation, mentor and volunteer opportunities, community integration, spiritual guidance and peer to peer support offered to students, interns, employees, families, and internship partners.
Primary Address: 9680 N. 52nd St. Riley KS 66531
Telephone: 785-775-1212
Big Red One
Primary Address:
Henry Dr. (Visitor Control Center) Junction City KS 66441
The 1st Infantry Division as well as National Guard and Reserve units from several states use the modern training facilities at Fort Riley to gain skills necessary to defend our nation. Garrisons, also called an installation or post, are communities that provide many of the same types of services expected from any small town. Law enforcement, fire protection, sports & recreational facilities, religious activities, child & youth programs are just a small sample of the support and services we provide every day.
Primary Address: Henry Dr. (Visitor Control Center) Junction City KS 66441
Telephone: 785-239-2982
Meetings at 114 McCall Rd at 7pm on the 3rd Monday of month
Primary Address:
3425 Dempsey Rd. Manhattan KS 66502
The VFW does social and community services; promotes community projects; supports Boy Scouts, Eagle Scouts, ROTC programs and scholarship programs through the Voice of Democracy programs in High Schools as well as Patriot Pen award programs in the Middle School level.
Hours: Meetings at 114 McCall Rd at 7pm on the 3rd Monday of month
Primary Address: 3425 Dempsey Rd. Manhattan KS 66502
Telephone: 307-399-1663